Our specialized virtual assistants (VAs) are here to take
care of all the tasks you don’t have time for. We provide
the perfect solution for every professional who needs to
focus on the important aspects of their business.

General Virtual Assitant (GVA)
Our all in one general virtual professionals can help with menial tasks or day to day tasks you need help with

Business Virtual Assistant (BVA)
Our highly effective and experienced business professionals improve workflow, save time, and help you turn a greater profit by removing the burden of administrative or other back-office tasks.

Multimedia Virtual Assistant (MVA)
Our independent multimedia professionals can help your business strengthen it’s brand through a versatile range of skills such as: video editing, animation, motion graphics, graphic design, web design, music production and more. Learn more about how an MVA can help you grow your business!

Real Estate Virtual Assistant (ReVA)
Our experienced cold callers, can help call out leads that you don’t have time for, we also have Transaction Coordinators to handle your contracts, deal with your photographers, title companies and other menial tasks you want them to handle

Social Media Virtual Assistant (SmVA)
Our experienced social media virtual professionals can help grow your social media accounts, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn

Bookkeeping Virtual Assistant (BVA)
Our specialized bookkeeping professionals are adept at the latest accounting systems that help them work quicker.
We Work Within All Business Specialties
If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, multimedia personality, legal professional, real estate agent, education professional, staffing specialist, or any other field – we are here to help.

We would love to hear from you! Lest you’re curious of our services, hiring process or even wanting to have that discovery call – we are prepared to answer any of your questions.
Tell us of your VA needs.
We'll look for the best candidate for you.
You meet your VA.
You run your business with your VA.
Everybody's happy.

DubTub Owner
I have utilized the VA services of Kara, I could not be more pleased. She is an amazing business woman who will support your business, Going above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction. I highly recommend her!

The Resume Fix
Certified Career Coach and
Professional Resume Writer
Working with Kara was a pleasure, because she is a reliable and responsible person that makes you have a piece of mind when it comes to managing your VA's through distance. I am sure we will create a long lasting business relationship towards the future.

Co Managing Partner en Dual Property Investments
She is very skilled in what she does, Kara has been a valuable asset to the company she contributed a huge part in its success. I love how passionate she is on her craft. A natural leader that shows confidence in every step of the way.

Chief Executive Officer